Dark Eye Circle

Dark circles under eyes are one of the annoying beauty problems. There are several factors can contribute to its development like stress, lack of sleep, some medications, pregnancy, hormonal changes , exposure to direct sun light.

Skin Care

Clear skin is the dream of every woman. It is the most imminent factor of a person’s beauty. It enhances one’s confidence and self esteem.

Hair Care

Beauty of hair is imminent factor in outlook. Due to various environmental issues like pollution, weather changes, dust and sunlight, so many problems develops.

Thursday 29 January 2015


Green tea is made from a plant called Camellia sinensis. Green tea is rich in Polyphenols, which is the substance making it very special and gives several health benefits. It is a very healthy beverage.
Health benefits:

• Rich in antioxidants.
• Helps to induce weight loss.
• Enhances mental alertness as well as thinking ability.
• Beneficial in treating stomach problems, diarrhoea,  vomiting, osteoporosis and headache.
• It reduces the risk of developing several types of cancers like lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, gastric cancer and solid tumor cancer.
• It is very helpful for woman who are suffering from genital warts due to Human papilloma virus. It is also good in reducing the risk of cervical dysplasia and cancer in cervix.
• Green tea helps in reducing the chances of developing Alzhimer's disease and Crohn's disease.
• Green tea bag can be applied directly on to the skin to ease with sunburn symptoms.
• Applying green tea bag is a good remedy to reduce the puffiness of eyes.
• It decreases the tiredness of eyes.
• It is very useful for treating gum problems. Also helps to stop gum bleeding.
• It hasnthe ability to improve the overall health and wellbeing.
• It enables the fat burning in improved rates and thus enhances the functioning physically.
• It is very good in boosting the metabolic rate too.
• It has the power to kill bacteria and lowering the rate of developing infections.
• It improves the dental health and decreases the chance of tooth decay and cavities.
• It has a remarkable effect on controlling and decreasing bad breath.
• It also cuts down the chances of developing the type2 diabetes.
• It lowers the rate of developing obesity.
• It is very beneficial in reducing the development of cardiovascular disease like heart diseases and stroke.
• Green tea increases the overall life expectancies.
Skin benefits:

Green tea  an age old herbal drink with several health benefits in it. It is very beneficial for skin in various ways.
• It is the richest source of anti oxidants.
• It is very helpful in reducing the signs of aging, wrinkles and skin sag.
• It reduces the risk of developing skin cancer and reduces the bad effects of sun exposure.
• Protects the skin from sun damage, when used along with sunscreen.
• Drink green tea and apply the green tea ice cubes onto the sun exposed area gives good results.

Hair benefits:

• Green tea helps to stimulates the hair follicles.
• It helps to improve the hair growth rate.
• As it contains plenty panthenol, is helpful in strengthening hair strands and prevents split ends.
• It have the ability to regenerate hair follicles and induces regrowth.
• It is also have the potential to treat scalp problems, especially dandruff and scalp flaking.
Enjoy a cup of green tea everyday....

Friday 23 January 2015


Olive oil is known as the healthiest fat ever known. It is an unavoidable ingredient in Mediterranean foods. The reason why olive oil is considered as the safest dietary fat is because it contains monounsaturated fatty acids in high percentage. Those who are using olive oil regularly have high life expectancies and lesser risk of developing heart diseases, stroke and high blood pressure.

Olive oil is extracted from olives, which is a famous Mediterranean crop.


Several researches have conducted to know more about the health benefits of olive oil.

·         Studies show that consuming olive oil will reduce the chances of developing heart diseases, stroke, hypertension and hyperlipidemia.

·         Daily intake will helps to decrease the risk of thrombosis and reduce the inflammation.

·         Foods that are fried in olive oil will not induce heart related problems.

·         It also prevents the risk of stroke even in old age.

·         The risks for developing depression for those who are consuming transfats are comparatively higher than those who having polyunsaturated fats as well as monounsaturated fats. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Studies have shown that olive oil has a mild protection effect against depression.

·         Olive oil is a natural remedy which gives protection against breast cancer. This is helpful to decrease incidence of developing breast cancer.

·         Olive oil is a good home remedy to control the cholesterol levels. It helps to maintain the normal levels of cholesterol as it contain high density lipo protein [HDL].

·         Olive oil has very beneficial effects on Alizhimer’s disease. Extra virgin olive oil contains a natural phenolic component known as Oleocanthal. This will exhibit the property of removing the protein which can cause Alizhimer’s disease.

·         Olive oil with few drops of warm water makes a good lotion for manicure.

·         It is a good remedy for dark eye circles. it also advisable to do massage daily on the area around the eyes.

·         It is also makes a wonderful solution for chapped lips and foot, if mixed and blended with beeswax. Also gave you soft and squashy lips.


·         Olive oil gives a wonderful glow, healthy, shiny and strong hair. It is very beneficial for all the hair care treatment, especially for hair strengthening, hair loss, grey hair and dandruff treatments.

·         It has amazing ability to heal any kind of inflammation on the scalp.

·         It also helps to remove lice, which is a parasite found mainly on hair.

·         It is a natural conditioner for hair.

·         If the hair and scalp is massaged with olive oil, it will get a natural glow which is visible in the day light.




·         Olive oil is a great moisturiser.

·         Good remedy for dry skin.

·         Massaging on knees and elbows are beneficial, as it is more prone to develop dry skin.

·         It leaves the skin soft and supple.

·         It helps to tone the skin and leaves it firm.

·         Extra virgin oil and is very good for those who have very skin. Massage with a few drops of olive oil onto the face and leave it overnight. It gives excellent and amazing results.

·         It helps to treat sunburn by applying directly onto the skin.

·         It eases and calm down skin irritations and enhances the skin healing process.

·         It is also a good source of antioxidants and vitamin E.

·         Improves the elasticity of skin.

·         Helps to visibly reduce stretch marks and prevents its development and its recurrence. Massage at least three times in a week. Hot oil massage is also very helpful.


·         Excellent eye makeup remover.

·         Best remedy for ear wax.

·         Used as a natural shine serum on hair.

·         Good remedy for softening cuticles and lock-in moisture.

·         When olive oil is added to sugar could form an excellent lip scrub.

·         If applied before shaving, acts as a good shaving cream, a natural lubricant.

·         It can even apply on very sensitive baby skin and also good treatment for diaper rash.

·         It helps to calm down the symptoms of eczema.

Monday 19 January 2015


The weather can effect your skin, especially when turns could. Some people also complained they suffer  from more serious skin problems such as itchy  and score skin. Some people claiming their biggest winter skin concern was eczema. Even if you don't have a problem with dry skin at other times of the year but you may find your skin problems during the winter. That's because your skin's natural moisture is depleted by harsh winds , central heating low humidity and even hot bath and showers. Once you know whether your skin is dry , normal, oily or sensitive , always use products that  are appropriate for your skin type. Apply plenty of moisturiser after a warm rather than  hot bath or shower .Like general skin an dryness , dry skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis can fell worse during the winter .Besides using  moisturises, drinking water is the most important  think you can do to improve your skin's hydration. Foods rich in antioxidant  and vitamins will help you too keep skin in good condition .

What's your skin type ?

Normal skin - naturally smooth and vibrant , normal skin looks healthy even with the minimum care.

Oil skin - if you have a shiny complexion enlarged pores and a tendency for acne , your skin tape is oily.

Dry skin - this skin type my appear sallow and feel flaky, dry and tight after cleansing.
Combination - skin  has patches of both oily  and dry skin

Sensitive skin - if you have sensitive skin, it my be prone to inflammation and  irritation.

Ref: All about health

Sunday 18 January 2015



Papaya is a very popular fruit and is well known for its delicious taste, texture and its health benefits for skin, hair and overall health. This is one of the fruit which everyone should include in their regular diet as it has a lot of amazing medicinal properties.

Papaya contains an enzyme called ‘Papain’ promotes protein digestion. Papaya is also known as the richest source of antioxidants like Vitamin C and flavonoids, carotenes, folate, most of B Vitamins, panthothenic acid, minerals, magnesium and potassium. It is also the highest source of fiber.


Papaya is a wonderful fruit with lots of medicinal effects. Researches have shown that this fruit can be very beneficial for several health related issues and different types of diseases.

·         Papaya promotes the overall health of immune system by empowering it. This is enabling by the Beta- carotene present in it.

·         It helps to lower hypertension. The high potassium content in papaya helps to keep hypertension under control and also enhances the mental alertness. Thus it can act as a perfect antidote for hypertension.

·         It helps to improves vision. Try to have it regularly in diet. It can be advisable for even old age vision improvement.

·         It immunes the body against cold and flu as well as ear infections.

·         Papaya is a good remedy for heart diseases especially high cholesterol. It inhibits the oxidation process of cholesterol, thereby hindering the main reasons for heart attacks and strokes.

·         Papaya is well known for its healing properties. Apply the pulp of papaya with a little butter [butter is optional], will cures even chronic skin ulcers or lesions.

·         The latex contains in papaya makes it a better remedy against respiratory problems [breathlessness, cough and bronchitis].

·         Papaya is edible even for diabetic people.

·         Papaya is rich in fiber contents. This can bind with the toxins which can cause Cancer in colon. Thus it reducing the incidents of colon cancer.

Health benefits for skin

Papaya is an age old remedy for skin care. It helps to enhance a healthy glowing skin, which is also very helpful in skin brightening.

·         It is a good remedy to remove dead cells from the skin.  It also works well to break down inactive proteins. This is enabled by the Vitamin A and Papain enzyme present in it.

·         It will help to leave the skin hydrated, because it contains very low level of sodium. As a result it leaves the skin with lesser retention of water.

·         Papaya contains the highest amount of carotene compare to other fruits.

·         If the ripe papaya is mashed and applied on face helps to increase the glow and fairness of skin.

·         If the raw grinded papaya applied on the face, helps to remove pimples , dark spots and other blemishes.

·         Regular intake of this fruit will provides soft, supple and smooth texture of skin.

·         It can be used for skin exfoliating in natural way.

·         It enables to provide flawless skin with an even texture, without any discolouration.

·         The peel of papaya can also be used to rub on to the face and all over the skin for whitening.

·         Raw papaya is also used against ringworm infection, by directly rubbing on the infected area.

·         It prevents the ageing signs because of the Alpha Hydroxy Acid present in the fruit. This acid makes the fruit acidic and promotes the anti-ageing ability.

Health benefits for hair

Papaya is not only beneficial for skin but also for the hair too. Regular intake and application of papaya and using papaya containing products is also advisable for better hair care.

·         It reduces the chances of balding and triggers hair growth as well as strengthening, as it contains all essential hair nutrients needed for hair care.

·         It helps to boost the volume by providing proper nourishing of hair shafts.

·         It is good for hydrating skin and scalp, thus preventing the formation of dandruff.

·         Regular intake helps to hair strengthening and decrease hair thinning.

·         The juice extracted from papaya leaves can be used as a natural hair conditioner, will help to bring healthy, shiny and manageable hair.



Aloe vera belongs to the lily family, which is known as ‘Miracle Plant’. It is famous for its medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Because of these properties, it is widely used in various cosmetic and beauty enhancing products and different types of medicines.

Aloe vera is a huge store house of different nutrients. It contains seventy five different varieties of components. These comprise 8- essential amino acids and other twenty amino acids, various essential nutrients, enzymes enhancing metabolism, minerals, essential vitamins and polysaccharides that trigger the immune stimulation. It also contains Salicylic Acid, Sterols and Saponins. Thus it gives analgesic, antiseptic and anti inflammatory effects.


·         Aloe vera gel can be used for burns, sun burns, dermatitis, stops itching, wound healing.

·         It is effective against insects bites

·         It helps to cease bleeding due to minor cuts.

·         Effective treatment for skin allergies and other skin disorders.

·         Aloe vera is very good in controlling cholesterol levels by deducting triglycerides.

·         It is very helpful in maintaining normal metabolic rate. Thus enables remarkable weight loss and reduce lipid levels.

·         It is an unavoidable ingredient in the treatments of ulcers, jaundice, piles and amenorrhoea.

·         Aloe vera can work miracles on the skin. It rejuvenates the skin, moisturise it, and reduces wrinkles, fine lines. It will make skin glowing, removes dead cells. It also believes that it has the ability to even remove stretch marks.

Health benefits

Aloe vera has various amazing and impeccable health benefits.

·         Anti cancerous property – it has very powerful curing ability. It works well to stop the multiplication of tumours and cancer cells. This is enabled by polysaccharides, which helps to promote the nitric oxide formation. This chemical substance is capable of destroying and decreasing the number of cancer cells. Another phytonutrient called Acemannan, contained in aloe vera has also anti-cancer effects.

·         Relief from radiation therapy-it helps to heal the harmful outcomes or effects of burns caused by radiation therapy and accelerate the healing process and quicken the relieving action.

·         Reduces inflammation- daily intakes of aloe vera juice will helps to reduce all the symptom inflammation. This is also beneficial for calming down beneficial for calming down the symptoms caused by inflammation of joints, due to arthritis, rheumatism and inflammation of eyes and ears.

·         Reduce symptoms of muscle pain- it can be applied topically to reduce pain in the muscles or joints.

·         Antioxidant effects- it is the storage house of Vitamin C and E, thus it can bring about the goodness of anti oxidants. This will also purify the blood.

·         Improves the functioning and health of digestion system-it prevents constipation and act as a natural laxative. It maintains acid stability, and also relief from the ulcer present in digestive system.

·         Maintaining healthy circulatory system- it will helps to maintain the right consistency of blood by reducing the stickiness, which can cause clumping of cells present in the blood.

·         Maintaining normal blood pressure- it works well to maintain normal blood pressure and normal viscosity of blood. It also helps to prevent the risk of heart attack and stroke.

·         Managing normal blood glucose level- it is good in managing normal blood sugar levels, and thereby Diabetes too. It is also good in relieving the symptoms of diabetes like numbness of extremities.

·         Normal cholesterol maintenance- Aloe vera works amazingly to maintain normal cholesterol levels.

·         Healthy renal system- it improves the functioning of renal system. This helps to prevent the risk of developing renal diseases as well as kidney stones.

·         Improves gynaecological system- improves the functioning of uterus. Also helps in regulating menstruation and avoids irregular periods. It can heal other problems like fibroids, ovarian cysts.

·         It also exhibits anti fungal, anti bacterial, anti viral and anti microbial activities.

·         First aid- it is one of the best first aid medicine ever known. Works well on wounds as a dressing, promotes healing, and prevents infection also.

·         Treatment of burns- this is also very good for the treatment of burns also protect from developing blisters caused by burns.

Health benefits for skin

Aloe vera works wonders on skin. It promotes the health of skin. This is the reason why aloe vera is considered as an unavoidable ingredient in many of the cosmetics and other beauty products available today in the market.

·         It is considered as a natural moisturiser, hydrates the skin, removes dead cells, and maintains skin soft and glowing with healthy complexion and texture.

·         Prevents the development of pigmentation and dark spots.

·         Aloe Vera is the best remedy for acne or pimples. It is also good to clear the spots or scars left acne.

·         Aloe Vera is the natural way to prevent wrinkles as it has the particular capacity to promote the development of elastins and collagens. This will even remove the fine lines.

·         Promotes skin complexion. It gives glowing skin with even texture.

·         It is greatest remedy against ageing.

·         Stretch marks can be removed by applying aloe vera regularly without leaving it traces.

·         It acts as astringent, thus reduce the production of oil on the face. It is a good remedy for oily skin.

·         Massaging with aloe vera can bring shine to nails and can give strength to nails.


Health benefits for hair

·         Promotes hair growth especially in bald areas.

·         Prevents alopecia.

·         Stops hairless due to any kind of inflammation.

·         Promotes hydration.

·         Give enough moisturisation to hair and scalp, thus prevent dandruff and dry scalp forming flakes.

·         It is a natural conditioner leaves hair manageable and shiny.

·         Best treatment for dandruff and also prevent its development by massaging it on to the scalp.

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