Thursday, 15 January 2015


Bone and joint problems were suffered by thousands of people around the sphere. It is induced by various reasons like injuries, old age, arthritis, sprain, gout and so on. However, all kinds of joint problems can be painful, immobility and great discomfort.  Here we are introducing some natural home remedies to relieve the pain due to bone problems. It is very simple and easy to do it at home.


Bathua juice is well-known cure for problems related to joints. Bathua plant is also known as pigweed, lamb’s quarter, goosefoot, dung weed.

Method of use

·         Pick some Bathua leaves and crush it to extract fresh juice from it

·         Measure 15g of this juice and drink it every day.

·         It should be drink on empty stomach.

NB: it is very important to measure 15g correctly. Excessive amounts can cause problems.


It helps to improve the blood circulation and to lubricate the joints, thus relieving the pain.

·         Take at least 5 tablespoons of  coconut oil in a bowl

·         Place this bowl in boiling water.

·         When coconut oil becomes warm, apply it on the affected joint or area.


Milk is a complete food. it contains all necessary ingredients for bones like Calcium, Magnesium and so on. Turmeric is well known for its medicinal uses for ages. It helps to maintain healthy skin, prevent pimples, provides clear and glowing skin. It is famous for its anti inflammatory and anti bacterial significances. This mixture is good for bones and whole body and also increases immunity.

·         Boil a glass of milk and add one teaspoonful of turmeric powder.

·         Drink it every day for better bone health and increases immunity also.

NB:  Do not add sugar in this. Anyone can drink this as it is healthy.


·         Take 2-3 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds

·         Fry it in a pan, when it turns light brown remove it from the fire.

·         Crush it or grind it to powder in a mixer grinder

·         Take 2 tablespoon of this powder and mix it with water to make thick paste

·         Apply it on the area where there is pain

Repeat it twice a day for better results.



Potatoes can give relief from the pain and immobility due to osteoarthritis.   

·         Take a potato and wash it thoroughly without peeling its skin.

·         Then chop it into thin pieces and soak it in water, for all night

·         Drink this water in the morning on empty stomach, after straining


It can help to enhance the blood circulation and reduces immobility and stiffness.

·         Take 15grams of camphor and add this in 1 cup of mustard oil

·         Heat this mixture until it dissolves

·         When it dissolves completely remove it from fire

·         When it becomes lukewarm massage it on the affected area.


·         Take equal amounts of cinnamon powder and honey about one teaspoon each

·         Mix it together well and have it on empty stomach every day


·         Take one tablespoonful of sesame seeds  and soak it overnight

·         Grind it with 100ml of water

·         Have it every day on empty stomach.

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