Unwanted hair growth is one of the embarrassing problems of women. This can affect the self esteem and confidence. This can be induced by several problems like hormonal imbalances, polycystic ovarian diseases, and menopause. Several treatments are available in the market, like electrolysis, waxing and laser which are very expensive. This can be harmful to the skin. It is always better to rely on the natural methods of hair removal. This may be a slow process but does not harm our skin. Here we are giving a few methods of unwanted hair removal in natural way.



This is one of the effective home remedy for removing unwanted hair.

Method of use

·         Extract 10ml of lemon juice and mix it with 150 ml of cold water.

·         Add 30grams of sugar in this solution.

·         Mix it well and apply it on the direction of hair growth

·         Wait at least for 15 minutes

·         After that wash it with cold water, by rubbing the facial skin gently in circular motion.

Repeat it at least twice in a week for better results.



It is very well known for its medicinal uses for ages. It helps to maintain healthy skin, prevent pimples, provides clear and glowing skin. It is famous for its anti inflammatory and anti bacterial significances. Turmeric is also used for removing unwanted hair growth.

Method of use

·         Take a table spoon of turmeric powder.

·         Add fresh curd into it to make a thick paste.

·         Apply it over the affected area covering all unwanted hair.

·         Leave it until it gets completely dry.

·          Remove it by rubbing gently

Repeat daily or the other day. You can see the results and will get naturally glowing clear skin.

NB- you can also use milk instead of curd. This mixture can be used as a body scrub along with gram flour, oats or rice flour. This will help to remove fine hairs in the body.



This is the grandma’s method for removing unwanted hair from the face and body even in babies.


Method of use

·         Take enough chickpea flour and equal amount of turmeric powder in a bowl to cover all affected areas.

·         Make a thick paste by adding milk into the mixture of powders.

·         Cover all desired area with the mixture

·         Apply towards the direction of hair growth

·         Leave it until it is completely dry

·         Wet the face slightly with water and rub gently with finger tips towards the opposite direction of hair growth for 3-5 minutes.

·         Wash it off with luke warm water



Papaya contains an enzyme called Papain, is able to break down the follicles of hair. It also helps to prevent the re-growth of hair. Papaya is also good for any kind of skin, makes it fair and clear with a glowing texture. Raw papaya is the most effective way of hair removal.

Method of use

·         Take a raw papaya and remove the skin

·         Make paste of the papaya about 3 teaspoonful

·         Mix this paste with 1 ½  teaspoon of turmeric powder

·         Apply this on your face

·         Leave it for 15-20 minutes

·         Wash it off with luke warm water

 Repeat it twice or thrice in a week for miraculous effects.



Potato and lemon is well known for its bleaching effects. When lentil powder is added with this mixture, it works well in removing unwanted hair.

Method of use

·         Extract about half bowl of Potato juice

·         Mix it with honey and lemon juice in a 1;4 ratio

·         Make  half bowl of yellow lentil paste, which is soaked overnight

·         Then mix it well, and apply to the desired areas including face, arms and legs

·         Let it dry completely

·         When it gets dried, start rubbing with fingers in circular motions

·         This rubbing helps to remove the hair.

Repeat as required. It is natural and simple way of hair removal.



Banana is very good for skin. It can also be used as one of the main ingredient in hair removal.

Method of use

·         Mix a tablespoon oatmeal to a mashed banana

·         This mixture can be applied onto the face

·         It should be rubbed gently

·         Continue to massage for 15 minutes

·         After that wash it off with clean and cold water

Do it for two times in a week for better results.


This is one of the common methods of removing hair in natural way.

Method of use

·         Take half teaspoon of alum powder

·         Mix it with 2 tablespoon of rose water into it

·         Stir it well to make a perfect mixture without any solid particles

·         With the help of a spatula, this mixture can be applied to the desired areas

·         Apply again until it gets dry for about 15 minutes.

·         Then wash it off and apply olive oil

Continue to apply this for 3 times a week for better results


This is one of the strongest agents, which helps to remove hairs very fast. As it can cause burning, it is strictly only for applying to the legs.

Method of use

·         Mix equal amount of camphor with white pepper about one tablespoon each.

·         Add few drops of olive oil or almond oil to make a paste

·         Apply this mixture on to legs

·         Wash it off in 15 minutes

Hairs will fall off with this paste. It should not leave for more than 15 minutes as it can cause burning.


 Today several types of wax are available in the market. Here we are explaining, how to make a wax from the ingredients available in our kitchen. The main ingredients for this natural wax are honey, lemon, sugar, plain flour, spatula and clean cloth for waxing or waxing strip.

·         Mix 1 tsp of sugar with 1 tsp of lemon juice and honey each and heat it.

·         Make it a thick and smooth paste.

·         Make it a medium consistency. If it becomes too thick add a little water to loose it and to make it right consistency.

·         Leave it to cool down.

·         Apply some plain flour  to desired areas, then apply warm wax mixture

·         Evenly apply the mixture in the same direction of hair growth.

·         Cover the area with waxing strip or clean cloth.

·         Apply force to stick it towards the same direction of hair growth

·         When it stick completely. Pull it towards the opposite direction of hair growth.

This will give the same effect of waxing.








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